Deadline set to claim top level .nz Domains

by Domains Direct 2 min read
Deadline set to claim top level .nz Domains

If you own a conflicted .nz Domain you have until 18 October, 2017 to set your preference on its .nz equivalent - do you want it, or are you happy for another party to have it?

When the .nz Domain was made available as a top-level suffix (e.g. there was a process whereby if one party owned and another party owned and they couldn't agree between them who should be able to register then the Domain is in a conflicted status and is not available to register until such time as there's no conflicting Domains (i.e. one of those two, or more, suffixes holders no longer has an active Domain.)

The office of the Domain Name Commissioner (DNC) is aiming to reduce the number of conflicted Domains in the .nz registry by assisting Domain holders who have already registered their preference.

If you have a conflicted name and have not lodged your preference by October 18 you'll be deemed to have no interest in registering it for yourself and will have no further claim over it.

If this applies to you, you can lodge your preference at the DNC website. You'll need your Domain's UDAI.

The DNC offers an extensive FAQ on conflicted names.